quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2008

Capadócia - Turquia (photos)

Enquanto não posto as fotos de Kalash, algumas de Capadócia, onde estive em dezembro. Foi aí que os cenários surreais começaram a se tornar mais intensos.

O famoso (e caro) vôo de balão sobre os vales. Não o fiz, o que me dá motivo pra voltar.

O chá, daí pra frente uma constante na minha viagem.

Eu e Helena, uma amiga italiana, no lobby do Rock Valley Hostel.

Depois da primeira neve.
Saímos para caminhar pelos vales. Um programa bem melhor que as tours que as agências tentam te empurrar.

Primeira vez que vi nevar na vida. A neve não cai, pousa.

Love Valley. Dá uma olhada e tenta adivinhar o porquê do nome.

Um feriado muçulmano (esqueci o nome). As pessoas matam vacas e cabras e distribuem a carne nas ruas.

Grande parte das pessoas ainda vive nas cavernas escavadas nas montanhas.

segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2008

Istambul - Turquia (photos)

In this world I would switch places only with the birds (and just because they love Istambul as much as I do).

sábado, 1 de novembro de 2008

Greece (photos)

I was broken hearted when I went to Greece. No matter what surrounds you when it is cold and dark inside. But anyway it was the beginning of the winter and some villages which run just for the tourism were really ghost cities on the beach. So I was swimming naked, talking to the seagulls and sharing my cigarretes (yeah, I was soming at that time) with the wind. And enjoying (somehow) the deep loneliness of the islands where even the pain can't reach your soul. And then I could fill up this empty space with undenyable beauty.
So finally Mother Nature holding hands with God Time healed me. Made my heart one again.
I knew it would happen fast and that is why have this love and hate relationship with Time who regardless erases friends and lovers from my mind.

The highest pick of Naxos.

It talks a lot.

A volcano drowned half of the island.

Jackie and Maxie in the book store. I miss them, the girl a bit more than the cat. Thanx Jackie for your hospitality.

The wind decides that today no ship leaves the island.

The whole island is a sharp cliff. The villages on the top, hundreds of steps above the sea level.

Rhodes, one of the old 7 wonders of the world.

They were shooting a Bollywood movie there.